3 of my favorite resources to share….

3 of my favorite resources to share….

Last week I shared how important it is to always keep learning and how that realization came to me as a brand new parent caring for our tiny little girl. With information at our fingertips there is no reason we can’t seek out the information we need to make knowledgeable decisions for ourselves and our families. 

We are all capable of learning, right?

On that same token it can be completely overwhelming to go to Dr. Google and start looking for information if we aren’t sure where we are heading. I want to help you with that.

Here are 3 resources that I have used and believe are a great place to start......


Learning as you go…..

Learning as you go…..

How often do we jump into things before we know much about it? New jobs, married life, parenting, the list can go on to include your finances and even your legacy and how you build it. We are constantly in a state of learning it seems.

As women in this 21st century we tend to think we know more about becoming


Doing things scared and excited…..

Doing things scared and excited…..

How many times throughout our lives do we find ourselves in a “growth spurt” of sorts where we have to make decisions to move in directions that make us uncomfortable, and we feel scared and excited at the same time? Have you ever looked back at these moments and realized how you were being stretched to move into something new?

It’s funny because we are all on a journey and we are all called to do something great with our time here on earth. Yes, all of us! For some it takes........


Who is on your birth team?

Who is on your birth team?

If you are pregnant today you are probably aware that you have many different options from who you choose as a care provider to who you have with you on the big day. How you put that team together is completely up to you and the support you believe you will need.

You could be like me and like the idea of a midwife being on hand and then in the moment it doesn’t really matter because we know what is coming, okay our babies didn’t give us the option to wait, but you know. LOL......


How To Go After Big Dreams

How To Go After Big Dreams

Ever since I can remember I have loved the idea of supporting moms through labor and welcoming their child earthside. Childbirth is such an amazing journey to witness and be a part of. There is strength, perseverance, sheer willpower, and primal beauty in every aspect of it.

In 2019 I met a couple, we talked for hours and hours about pregnancy and childbirth.......

They said, "Amanda, you need to start a YouTube channel to share what you have been sharing with us." I was in love with the idea and couldn’t wait to make it happen. I started to work on it a little but I’ll be honest, it wasn’t going anywhere, there were too many things that I just didn’t know and had no idea how or where to get started in......

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