I want to share my birth experiences with you, not just to recount the events, but to highlight the incredible journey I've been on and the power I discovered within myself through these moments. My first birth was a turning point, and while it wasn’t what I had initially envisioned, it set the stage for everything that followed.
My First Birth Experience:
When I was pregnant with my first child, I went into the experience with hope and excitement, but also a lot of unknowns. I wasn’t fully aware of the options I had or the choices I could make, and ultimately, I ended up having a C-section. It wasn’t what I had planned, but I made the decision to go ahead with it, partly because I wanted to be done with the medical interventions and the stress that had built up over time.
The experience of walking into the hospital for surgery was terrifying. I’m not a fan of needles or medical procedures, so the whole thing felt overwhelming. But through it all, I had my husband, Jonathan, by my side, and that was my rock. Even though he wasn’t allowed in the room during certain parts, knowing he was there gave me the strength to push through.
When our baby girl was born on January 23, 2014, at 10:14 am, hearing her first cry was like music to my ears. I had waited so long for that moment—to become a mommy—and when it finally happened, it was more than worth it. Watching Jonathan with her, even though I couldn’t be right there beside them, filled me with awe. That day was the beginning of my journey into motherhood, and it taught me a lot about resilience and love.
A Transformative Homebirth:
After my first birth, I knew I wanted something different for my second. I wanted to reclaim my experience and do things on my terms. That desire led me to plan a homebirth, and it was the most healing and empowering decision I could have made.
This time around, I skipped the OB appointments that felt unnecessary, and instead, I focused on what my body was telling me. I was confident in what my body could do, and I was ready to welcome our second child in the comfort of our own home. My sister came to town to support me, and we spent the days leading up to the birth enjoying each other’s company and preparing for what was to come.
On the day of the birth, after a long night of contractions and counterpressure from Jonathan, my water broke early in the morning. We knew it was time. With my sister keeping our older daughter entertained, and Jonathan by my side, I labored in the birthing pool we had set up in our living room. The back labor was intense, but I knew I could handle it. At 10:10 am, after just 20-25 minutes of pushing, our son was born into Jonathan’s hands. I immediately stood up, turned around, and took him to my chest. It was the most powerful moment of my life. This birth was everything I had hoped for—calm, natural, and on my terms.
Embracing My Power in Birth:
After my second birth, I went on to have two more homebirths. Both times, the midwife didn’t even make it in time, and I delivered my babies myself. By then, I had so much confidence in my body’s ability to birth naturally that I wasn’t afraid. I had been introduced to a book called "Supernatural Childbirth," and it reinforced my belief that childbirth didn’t have to be painful or traumatic. I prayed for the experiences I wanted, and with each birth, I felt more empowered and in tune with my body.
These births were fast, efficient, and everything I had hoped for. There was pressure, yes, and discomfort, but I wouldn’t describe them as painful. They were powerful experiences that reaffirmed the strength and capability I believe all women possess. Society has tried to suppress this power for centuries, but with every birth like mine that is shared, we are reclaiming that power, one homebirth at a time.
I hope my story inspires you to believe in yourself, your body, and the incredible strength you have within. Birth is a transformative experience, and no matter how it happens, it can be a powerful expression of the love and resilience we hold as women.