When you have had the cascade of interventions, the experience of being bullied in labor, or ended up with a planned or unplanned cesarean you know that you have questions that need answered. Most of you will go see the same doctor, unless you have moved or had other reasons to switch your providers. Many of you will find out that your care provider is less than enthusiastic about you wanting to “try” for a VBAC.
You have questions and want answers, which you should, but will you actually ask your questions? Are you too nervous to have the conversation because your doctor makes you feel inferior any time you ask a question? Here are some ways that you can prepare for your VBAC, that you have control over and will have a huge impact on whether you are successful or not.

If you're pregnant, one of the most exciting moments is when your water breaks. Depending on what happens next, you may need to go to the hospital or call your birth team. If it's not time for delivery yet, don't worry - there are a few things you can do to keep yourself comfortable until your baby arrives. Here are a few tips on what to do if your water breaks.
There are some pretty significant differences between an OBGYN, your standard pregnancy care provider, and a midwife, meaning “with woman”. What is the standard of care that you want through your pregnancy and childbirth journey? What do you want your experience to be like?
We have all been to the doctor’s office at some point in our lives and I’m sure that this first difference I share will make perfect sense to pretty much anyone. So let’s get started…….
“Whether you think you can or you can’t, you are right.” Henry Ford
This quote is true and can be used in so many different areas of our lives. Many women question their ability to birth their babies without the assistance of some form of medication to help them “handle” what they perceive will be painful.
But why do we look outside of ourselves when asking this question?
Birth plans are becoming more and more commonplace and you might be wondering what purpose they hold for you in your pregnancy and childbirth journey. Not planning, or not even realizing that you can plan, your birth can leave you feeling like you didn’t have a say or like you weren’t seen or heard in the moments that mattered most when having your baby.
Having a birth plan can help you process many aspects and have ready responses, making it easier for you in the emotionally and physically charged moments that you are in the process of welcoming your baby earth side. Here are some reasons why having a birth plan is important.....