Dreaming of your perfect natural birth and not having the support of those around you? This can be a very hard place to be and can only add stress to what should be a beautiful experience of growing and bonding with your baby.
So many people today have a vision of what childbirth is like and to the majority it is a scary, medical emergency that needs to be controlled and is only safe in a fully staffed hospital. If your loved ones aren’t supporting you the way that you thought they would, here are some things to keep in mind......
Last week I shared how important it is to always keep learning and how that realization came to me as a brand new parent caring for our tiny little girl. With information at our fingertips there is no reason we can’t seek out the information we need to make knowledgeable decisions for ourselves and our families.
We are all capable of learning, right?
On that same token it can be completely overwhelming to go to Dr. Google and start looking for information if we aren’t sure where we are heading. I want to help you with that.
Here are 3 resources that I have used and believe are a great place to start......
Are you the type of person that does a ton of research before you buy, invest, or move forward with something? I’ll be honest, I’m that way with many things, however, there was a time when I didn’t really think about the things I was doing or deciding outside of the here and now.
Whether you are that type of person or not I think that it is really important to think deeply on this topic, especially when it comes to having children. Our walk starts when we are trying to conceive and goes through the next 19 years once we conceive and there are so many decisions we will have to make over those years.......
If you have not had children prior to thirty-five, or even if you have, you may find it shocking to be labeled as “Advanced Maternal Age” and being treated as high risk, based on your age alone. If you are healthy and even if you aren’t in the best of health and choose to take care of yourself through your pregnancy, you can have a pregnancy with no medical issues or complications.
You are not TOO OLD to get pregnant and have babies if you are thirty-five+ years old or older. If you are trying to conceive and feeling negativity from your care provider you are not alone. Women are having babies later in life at a much higher rate now and if you connect with women who had a strong belief in their bodies, you will find that they didn’t have a rough pregnancy or had anything high risk about their pregnancy, like me.