Did you know your placenta is an extraordinary anomaly in life and is a vital organ unique to you and your baby? It is the only “disposable” organ, growing for each individual pregnancy. Did you know that the placenta is the only organ that can have two different blood types too? Isn’t that cool? Anyways why am I even talking to you about your placenta?
Women deserve to know all of their options. Placentas are unique organs that play a vital role in pregnancy, and yet so many women don't even know that they have a say in what happens to their placenta after birth. I believe that every woman has the right to informed consent, and part of that is understanding all of the options available to them.
Read more...What to do with your placenta……. -
Have you heard people talk about consuming their placenta or having it encapsulated and thought…...What is that and WHY would you do that?......I too was surprised when I was introduced to this relatively new trend of women having their placenta processed for consumption during their postpartum recovery. Like me, you may be wondering what that looks like or even what possible benefits it may have for you as you adjust to having your new baby........