Are you the type of person that does a ton of research before you buy, invest, or move forward with something? I’ll be honest, I’m that way with many things, however, there was a time when I didn’t really think about the things I was doing or deciding outside of the here and now.
Whether you are that type of person or not I think that it is really important to think deeply on this topic, especially when it comes to having children. Our walk starts when we are trying to conceive and goes through the next 19 years once we conceive and there are so many decisions we will have to make over those years.......
Have you heard people talk about consuming their placenta or having it encapsulated and thought…...What is that and WHY would you do that?......I too was surprised when I was introduced to this relatively new trend of women having their placenta processed for consumption during their postpartum recovery. Like me, you may be wondering what that looks like or even what possible benefits it may have for you as you adjust to having your new baby........

Trying Again After Miscarriage…..- If you have ever suffered through the loss of a pregnancy you know the mental battle that comes along after that loss.......I also came to realize how different the experience was from my first miscarriage....... I barely had time to process because we had a toddler who needed me........I had, however, started supporting my progesterone balance..........