When you have had the cascade of interventions, the experience of being bullied in labor, or ended up with a planned or unplanned cesarean you know that you have questions that need answered. Most of you will go see the same doctor, unless you have moved or had other reasons to switch your providers. Many of you will find out that your care provider is less than enthusiastic about you wanting to “try” for a VBAC.
You have questions and want answers, which you should, but will you actually ask your questions? Are you too nervous to have the conversation because your doctor makes you feel inferior any time you ask a question? Here are some ways that you can prepare for your VBAC, that you have control over and will have a huge impact on whether you are successful or not.

Can Childbirth Be Pain-Free? - If you are pregnant, wanting to start a family, or maybe you had a traumatic experience with a previous childbirth and wonder if pain-free is even possible. The answer is, yes it is possible..... I heard an acquaintance say she had a pain-free birth.....I was blown away with her story and intrigued, I WANTED that experience!!!
How can I stay positive through pregnancy and childbirth? - I see so many posts and comments where so many women are being bombarded by other people’s opinions as they walk through the personal journey of becoming a mom. This is so aggravating and I feel for all women who have had to deal with the naysayers along the way......Here’s the thing though, you have to set boundaries because no matter how close you are or aren’t with your family this is YOUR journey and it has nothing to do with them! If you want to have 1 kid and be done or have 7 and counting, that is your decision with your husband. NOBODY ELSE GETS A SAY IN THAT!!!
They are all paid professions. YOU pay them to provide you a service! Meaning that they work for you and that YOU are the ultimate decision maker in everything. Yes, doctors are the ones that go to school for years and have the degrees, I’m not denying that. That does not, however, give them authority over your body......