As the Holiday season is upon us it is a great time to remind everyone that your doctor’s turkey dinner or Christmas plans do not warrant an early induction. If you are pregnant right now you may have already been approached about scheduling an induction for earlier this week or the week prior to Christmas if your due date is around that time. It is unfortunate that this happens and the truth is it shouldn’t be happening. You shouldn’t be led to feel like you need to induce to have the doctor attend our birth, I mean isn’t that what you are paying them for?
We see it all the time where a doctor has this conversation with their patient:........
How often do we jump into things before we know much about it? New jobs, married life, parenting, the list can go on to include your finances and even your legacy and how you build it. We are constantly in a state of learning it seems.
As women in this 21st century we tend to think we know more about becoming
When I was pregnant with my first I ate what I wanted and craved, which was heavy German rolls and sweet stuff. Now I had not been eating bread for about 6 months when I found out I was pregnant and I validated those cravings as “my baby wanted it”, we all know that probably isn’t true. Needless to say I gained quite a bit of weight right off the bat and my OBGYN was not shy in pointing that out.
It is so hard to not focus on weight gain during a time when it is, well a good side effect to ensure a baby is growing. However while it is good to gain some weight.......
Are you the type of person that does a ton of research before you buy, invest, or move forward with something? I’ll be honest, I’m that way with many things, however, there was a time when I didn’t really think about the things I was doing or deciding outside of the here and now.
Whether you are that type of person or not I think that it is really important to think deeply on this topic, especially when it comes to having children. Our walk starts when we are trying to conceive and goes through the next 19 years once we conceive and there are so many decisions we will have to make over those years.......
There I was standing in the living room in disbelief, again, as I lovingly looked down at my sweet daughter’s face. I could not believe that I was finally a mom, even two weeks after having her. Suddenly I had a very clear vision and my eyes got huge as I realized that I knew absolutely nothing about taking care of this tiny, defenseless little girl. In just a few heartbeats I was rocked to my core as I realized how little we are taught about how to care for the new lives we bring into this world.
Isn't it funny how we long to become parents and yet it takes having a baby to actually start learning about taking care of them? Here are some of the ways that this realization impacted our lives from that point on.