Do I Need Prenatal Checks With A Medical Provider?

Do I Need Prenatal Checks With A Medical Provider?
You're pregnant! Congratulations! This is an amazing time in your life and you have a lot of decisions to make. One of the most important decisions you'll make is what kind of prenatal care to have. 

Our society has programmed us to believe that we need to have an OBGYN and be monitored, tracked, and checked throughout our entire pregnancy. And, what this does for most women is cause more stress during a time when that is the last thing you need. That is not fun. It actually may even lead to problems that would not have occurred if that added stress of going to those appointments weren't there....

Should I Circumcise My Son?

Should I Circumcise My Son?

So many think this is a controversial topic and if you bring it up in the wrong place you better be prepared for the onslaught of verbal attacks. It is unfortunate that, as a society, we are not able to hear someone’s question with compassion and answer with empathy. Most of us have been in that place of having to make a decision that we knew little about at some point and we should understand what they are working through. 

For me it was when I was pregnant with my first..........


Is Having A Birth Plan Important?

Is Having A Birth Plan Important?

Birth plans are becoming more and more commonplace and you might be wondering what purpose they hold for you in your pregnancy and childbirth journey. Not planning, or not even realizing that you can plan, your birth can leave you feeling like you didn’t have a say or like you weren’t seen or heard in the moments that mattered most when having your baby. 

Having a birth plan can help you process many aspects and have ready responses, making it easier for you in the emotionally and physically charged moments that you are in the process of welcoming your baby earth side. Here are some reasons why having a birth plan is important.....


Is Your Doctor Talking Induction The Week Before A Holiday?

Is Your Doctor Talking Induction The Week Before A Holiday?

As the Holiday season is upon us it is a great time to remind everyone that your doctor’s turkey dinner or Christmas plans do not warrant an early induction. If you are pregnant right now you may have already been approached about scheduling an induction for earlier this week or the week prior to Christmas if your due date is around that time. It is unfortunate that this happens and the truth is it shouldn’t be happening. You shouldn’t be led to feel like you need to induce to have the doctor attend our birth, I mean isn’t that what you are paying them for? 

We see it all the time where a doctor has this conversation with their patient:........


One Way To Increase Your Fertility

One Way To Increase Your Fertility

There are many ways to support your fertility and increase your chances of conceiving and maintaining a pregnancy and it is a wonder to me why these things aren’t talked about more. We have so much power in the palm of our own hands to take ownership and make life changes that will increase our chances of having the baby/ies we dream of. 

Here is one thing that you can do today to give your body a chance to heal, balance, and eventually conceive the baby you are dreaming of for your family:....

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