From my journey through childbirth, I discovered an incredible inner strength and resilience that I want to share with you. My first birth experience, despite resulting in an unplanned C-section, set the stage for understanding the different choices and options available to me. It was a challenging yet transformative event that taught me the importance of support and determination.
Transitioning to a homebirth for my second child was a pivotal and empowering decision. Without the need for excessive medical interventions, I felt more connected to my body and confident in its natural abilities. Supported by my husband and sister, I welcomed our son in the comfort of our home—a profoundly powerful and fulfilling moment.
Embracing homebirths for my subsequent pregnancies further solidified my belief in childbirth as a natural and empowering process. Each of my four births reinforced my confidence and belief in the inherent strength of women. These experiences have shown me that with trust in our bodies and the right support, childbirth can be a profoundly powerful and positive journey.

As the name indicates, aromatherapy is a therapy that uses aromas. Aromatherapy is a branch of botanical medicine that uses volatile and aromatic plant compounds. Because of the unique direct relationship between emotions and olfaction within the brain, essential oils can help “unlock” stored memories and emotions. When you breathe in essential oils, molecules enter the limbic system and elicit an emotional response. An aversion to a particular oil may indicate something more than just personal preference. It could actually be stirring an unpleasant emotional reaction. Conversely, oils that bring about positive emotions are likely favored.
Intentional imprinting is a POWERFUL way to take control of your emotions by using essential oils, well, intentionally! Below are the steps: