I remember my reaction to my second pregnancy (first child) so well. The excitement was so hard to contain and trying to keep the secret until we were ready to share was SO HARD. But the worst part for me was the fear that I was going to do something that would jeopardize my pregnancy in some way. I was in better shape than ever and working out daily, well at least until I let the fear stop me anyways.
So I quit doing everything but walking and hiking easy trails and I also went off my bread strike which did nothing for my weight gain. I wanted to live in a bubble. My fear was tangible and I let it control so many things that I wish I hadn’t. Living in that space made my experience less than ideal and more vulnerable than I already was being pregnant and all. Don’t let fear control your experience the way I did, here are three ways that I have found to decrease your fear and create a pregnancy experience you will want to relive over and over again.
1) Ask yourself where the fear is coming from and if it is real or perceived? Is it based on a previous experience? What can you learn from that previous experience? Have you processed that experience? If not, what can you do to process before your baby arrives? If you need help with this check out our community guide for a free 5 Day Mindset Shift that will get you working in that direction.
2) Learn as much as you can about the natural physiological birth process and focus on believing in your body to do what it was created to do. Watch birth videos where women are in control of their experience, move around freely, and act in confidence as they move through birth and meeting their little one. Knowledge trumps fear and reduces anxiety around the unknowns.
3) Choose wisely when sharing your birth plans with others. It is unfortunate that you can’t share your plans with the world, showing them all of your excitement but the truth is that there are many who will poo poo all over your dreams if given the chance. Your mindset is very important in staying positive and reducing fear and anxiety during your pregnancy so setting this boundary will hedge against others speaking THEIR fears into your experience.
These three things can be used all together to build a positive vision, strong belief, and confident posture to carry you through your pregnancy, knocking fear out every time it tries to creep back in. You were born to birth your babies and when you choose to stand up against fear and move forward in confidence you can and will do just that.
If you want more resources, guidance, and support on your journey to a pregnancy experience you can only dream of right now check out our community here. This is where I share information to help you gain confidence in the way your body works, learn your rights in your care, and so much more. We would love to see you there and cheer you on through your own journey.