If you are pregnant today you are probably aware that you have many different options from who you choose as a care provider to who you have with you on the big day. How you put that team together is completely up to you and the support you believe you will need.
You could be like me and like the idea of a midwife being on hand and then in the moment it doesn’t really matter because we know what is coming, okay our babies didn’t give us the option to wait, but you know. LOL
But if that makes you uncomfortable then make sure that you interview and consult with several different midwives if you are going for a homebirth or with different OBGYNs if you are more comfortable with a hospital setting. The point here is that YOU are comfortable and confident in your care and the support you will expect at the most important moments of your pregnancy and arrival of your baby.
Contrary to what Western medicine says, you DO NOT have to go with the first provider you see and you have the ability to fire a provider even up to and after 40 weeks. You will be told that nobody will take you on that late and that very well may be true, however, if you show up to the hospital of your choice in labor, they cannot deny you service.
Now that we have talked about your main care you may be asking yourself about your immediate birth team, you know the people who will cheer you on when you want to give up. These are the people you trust to speak for you in moments when you are focused on bringing your baby into the world. This could be your husband, mom, sister, or a doula that you pay to support you.
If you do have family on your birth team it is very important that you have many conversations to assure that they are understanding AND supportive of what you and your spouse want during this time. These kinds of things can drive wedges where you don’t want them if the proper conversations are not had throughout your pregnancy. If they have questions or are not in agreement then there are some tough decisions to be made.
Going with a Doula could be a better fit for you if you and your family have different ways of thinking. Again you want to interview and consult with several options to be sure that you find the person that fits your family needs and desires. There will be Doulas that have different ideas and may not align with your desires.
This team could mean the difference between having the beautiful experience you want and ending up in the exact experience you don’t want.
Oh, by the way, if this has spoken to you and you want more encouraging, uplifting, and supportive information, I have created a community I think you might like! You will find more great tips, empowering birth stories, and the support of a community that will come alongside you through your journey! Click here to join now.