Intentionally Imprinting The Limbic System Using Essential Oils

Intentionally Imprinting The Limbic System Using Essential Oils
As the name indicates, aromatherapy is a therapy that uses aromas. Aromatherapy is a branch of botanical medicine that uses volatile and aromatic plant compounds. Because of the unique direct relationship between emotions and olfaction within the brain, essential oils can help “unlock” stored memories and emotions. When you breathe in essential oils, molecules enter the limbic system and elicit an emotional response. An aversion to a particular oil may indicate something more than just personal preference. It could actually be stirring an unpleasant emotional reaction. Conversely, oils that bring about positive emotions are likely favored. 

Intentional imprinting is a POWERFUL way to take control of your emotions by using essential oils, well, intentionally! Below are the steps: 

5 Tips To Help Reduce Overwhelm During The Summer

5 Tips To Help Reduce Overwhelm During The Summer
Summertime is full of fun activities, but do your best to not overschedule yourself. If you’re taking a trip, don’t wait until the last minute to pack. If you’re throwing a party, take it easy on yourself and make it a potluck. The less pressure you put on yourself, the less stressed you’ll be in the long run.

5 tips to help overwhelm during the summer.....


How Can I Stop My Procrastination?

How Can I Stop My Procrastination?
A few months ago I was doing GREAT! I had consistency and was showing up in ALL the places, our home was running pretty smoothly and homeschool was moving along at a nice pace. I had routines that were working great for all of us and I was on top of the world. Until I wasn’t. In a week I lost all that momentum and am still working through this episode of procrastination. 

So here is the thing, sometimes I think we get good at doing all the things and then we throw a wrench in it just because we are making positive progress. I don’t mean to say we throw ourselves under the bus but yet that is kind of what happens, like all of a sudden we want the chaos and struggle that we had before back. Weird I know but if you know then you know and you are following me, right? This is why I’m sharing this with you because procrastination is a form of self-sabotage and we can learn to move past it with some easy, time-tested skills that we all possess already.

Here are a few things.....

Why Does Labor Keep Starting and Stopping?

Why Does Labor Keep Starting and Stopping?

If you have ever experienced prodromal labor you probably understand exactly where this question came from. When you are nearing the end of your pregnancy and things start to happen, you get excited and think okay I’m having a baby today. And then it stops, you go all day or night with no signs of what you thought was the beginning stages of labor. Then it’s back and you are again excited and ready for things to progress only to have it stop AGAIN!

You might be thinking, "What is the meaning of this, it’s torture and I just want to have my baby?!?" 


Learning as you go…..

Learning as you go…..

How often do we jump into things before we know much about it? New jobs, married life, parenting, the list can go on to include your finances and even your legacy and how you build it. We are constantly in a state of learning it seems.

As women in this 21st century we tend to think we know more about becoming

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