Two things you need to know about for summer prep: Skin + Exfoliation

As far as I’m concerned, it’s never too early to start thinking (and dreaming) about summer…. So, this month we are going to talk all about preparing for the summer months!

Up first, let’s talk about skin. Summer skin is much different than winter skin and the skin on our face is much different than the skin on our feet. One of the best ways to get all skin in summer shape is to exfoliate!

I Want A Homebirth But My Husband Says No……….

I Want A Homebirth But My Husband Says No……….

Are you a mom who is considering a homebirth but your husband says no? You're not alone! In this blog post, I'll share how I got my homebirth with my husband and how you can too. Keep reading for tips on how to get your partner to see that homebirth is the right choice for you.

I remember when I wanted my first homebirth and the long conversations trying to convince my husband that this was the way to go. We even met with a midwife, had all our questions answered, and she aligned with our beliefs in all areas of pregnancy and childbirth. He still wasn’t on board, and it wasn’t about concern for me, which may be the block you are dealing with.

For him it was about the out of pocket expense, which I understood, we weren’t rolling in extra funds by any means, but for me my freedom to choose was EVERYTHING! I never gave up, we kept having the conversations and then the moment happened…… 


Is Gestational Diabetes Really an Issue?

Is Gestational Diabetes Really an Issue?
During the second trimester you will probably be asked to take a glucose test where they will have you drink a beverage, often referred to as Glucola, consisting of 50 grams of sugar. After drinking the beverage you are made to wait an hour and then have your blood drawn to see how your body reacted to the sugar. What they won’t tell you about this test is…… 

Can I Have An Unmedicated Birth?

Can I Have An Unmedicated Birth?

“Whether you think you can or you can’t, you are right.” Henry Ford

This quote is true and can be used in so many different areas of our lives. Many women question their ability to birth their babies without the assistance of some form of medication to help them “handle” what they perceive will be painful.

But why do we look outside of ourselves when asking this question? 


3 Tips on Protecting Your Mindset for Your Pregnancy & Childbirth

3 Tips on Protecting Your Mindset for Your Pregnancy & Childbirth

In our journeys to motherhood we often encounter many people that speak words of doubt, fear, and limitations over us and it is unfortunate that society has made it okay to do this. During pregnancy we have so much going on physically and emotionally and what we truly need is people who will cheer us on, speak life and strength over us, and who only share positive thoughts and energy with us. That is what I’m here for, I believe in YOU.

Here are three tips to protect your mindset while pursuing the pregnancy and childbirth you envision! 

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