There are many ways to support your fertility and increase your chances of conceiving and maintaining a pregnancy and it is a wonder to me why these things aren’t talked about more. We have so much power in the palm of our own hands to take ownership and make life changes that will increase our chances of having the baby/ies we dream of.
Here is one thing that you can do today to give your body a chance to heal, balance, and eventually conceive the baby you are dreaming of for your family:
Reduce your stress……..
Did you know that stress affects your adrenals, hormones, and immune system which all affect your fertility and ability to conceive and maintain a pregnancy?
I know this may seem like a broad statement and that you may think it impossible to reduce the stress in your life so, I’m going to give some ideas and steps you can take to move in that direction.
If you have a stressful job, spend one of your breaks getting out into the fresh air and go for a brisk walk to reduce the tension the stress causes in your body and boost your mood.
Working out is a great way to get happy endorphins that help your body release stress.
Make it a priority to do things that FILL your cup. Watching cheesy romances or a good comedy with your spouse or best friend, art, reading, crafts, hiking, whatever that may look like for you. This helps your body balance itself more readily by reducing stress and tension.
Get enough sleep and drink enough water. Sleeping is when our bodies work hard to self repair and drinking enough water daily helps flush our toxins that only lead to dis-ease.
Why doesn’t our medical system share this information and encourage us to make these changes?
You have probably heard the saying “If people were healthy, there would be a lot of really nice empty buildings.” This is true and our medical system knows it, the powers that be behind the medical field know it, and therefore there is little encouragement for us to make changes that could impact their success.
It is sad but true. Take control of your fertility today by learning more ways you can support your health and increase your chances of having the family you dream of.