Do you believe in yourself? - God gave me a supernatural belief in my ability to birth our child naturally.....I have a FIRM belief in the ability of all women to be able to do this........Can we tell our body to get pregnant?.......We have little control over when we will get pregnant, how that pregnancy will go, or what our baby will look like in the end......I believe that this is true for anything you are drawn to learn or do in life!
Taking Charge Through Pregnancy - Being pregnant again was such a blessing and looking back it still amazes me that it was soooo easy. After trying for so long for our first and having to get fertility help, getting pregnant right away when trying again and then losing that baby…….So there I was realizing that I didn’t want to take my chances with this medical group and have someone I didn’t trust involved in my care in any way.....This time around I didn’t let the doctor dictate to me how or what I would be doing......
Read more...Trying Again After Miscarriage…..- If you have ever suffered through the loss of a pregnancy you know the mental battle that comes along after that loss.......I also came to realize how different the experience was from my first miscarriage....... I barely had time to process because we had a toddler who needed me........I had, however, started supporting my progesterone balance..........