3 things that can impact your fertility for the better

3 things that can impact your fertility for the better

As I have been sharing my journey, I have realized that there may be another reason as to why I was able to conceive after having such a struggle before. It took 4 years and 4 IUIs to conceive our daughter and when she was fifteen months old we started trying again and conceived in just two months! 

Having our daughter made us realize there were so many things we didn’t know when it came to caring for our tiny human. We also realized that it was our responsibility to learn and know what options and make decisions that were right for us.

So we started asking questions.


How having a baby can impact your life

How having a baby can impact your life

There I was standing in the living room in disbelief, again, as I lovingly looked down at my sweet daughter’s face. I could not believe that I was finally a mom, even two weeks after having her. Suddenly I had a very clear vision and my eyes got huge as I realized that I knew absolutely nothing about taking care of this tiny, defenseless little girl. In just a few heartbeats I was rocked to my core as I realized how little we are taught about how to care for the new lives we bring into this world.

Isn't it funny how we long to become parents and yet it takes having a baby to actually start learning about taking care of them? Here are some of the ways that this realization impacted our lives from that point on.


What to do with your placenta…….

What to do with your placenta…….
What to do with your placenta……. - 

Have you heard people talk about consuming their placenta or having it encapsulated and thought…...What is that and WHY would you do that?......I too was surprised when I was introduced to this relatively new trend of women having their placenta processed for consumption during their postpartum recovery. Like me, you may be wondering what that looks like or even what possible benefits it may have for you as you adjust to having your new baby........


Gestational Diabetes: Glucose Tolerance Test vs. Alternative Options

Gestational Diabetes: Glucose Tolerance Test vs. Alternative Options
Gestational Diabetes: Glucose Tolerance Test vs. Alternative Options - When you are pregnant you will generally be told that you have to be tested to see if you have gestational diabetes between 24-28 weeks of pregnancy. This test is generally done using a glucola drink with 50 grams of sugar for the one hour test and 100 grams of sugar for the 3 hour test. You can, however, decide that you don't want to do this test or opt for another test that doesn't require you drinking the glucola.......


How can I stay positive through pregnancy and childbirth?

How can I stay positive through pregnancy and childbirth?

How can I stay positive through pregnancy and childbirth? - I see so many posts and comments where so many women are being bombarded by other people’s opinions as they walk through the personal journey of becoming a mom. This is so aggravating and I feel for all women who have had to deal with the naysayers along the way......Here’s the thing though, you have to set boundaries because no matter how close you are or aren’t with your family this is YOUR journey and it has nothing to do with them! If you want to have 1 kid and be done or have 7 and counting, that is your decision with your husband. NOBODY ELSE GETS A SAY IN THAT!!!

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