When you are pregnant you will generally be told that you have to be tested to see if you have gestational diabetes between 24-28 weeks of pregnancy. This test is generally done using a glucola drink with 50 grams of sugar for the one hour test and 100 grams of sugar for the 3 hour test. You can, however, decide that you don't want to do this test or opt for another test that doesn't require you drinking the glucola.......
In most cases you will be sent to have the one hour test done and will only need to do the three hour test if you fail the one hour.
Something to note about this test is that in most cases the glucola is made with a corn sugar, most likely derived from GMO corn, that is not good for you or your growing baby. If you are someone that follows a low sugar or low carb diet you may have negative reactions to drinking the glucola due to the sugar shock to your body that it is not used to.
Not everyone should be tested for GD and it is your right to decline the glucose test. According to ACOG (American Congress of Obstetricians & Gynecologists) this should be an individualized approach, stating that their guidelines “should not be construed as dictating an exclusive course of treatment or procedure.” This means that your OBGYN should not be sending every one of their patients to have this test done without reason.
Furthermore, they state in their own words, “Pregnant women’s autonomous decisions should be respected. Concerns about the impact of maternal decisions on fetal well-being should be discussed in the context of medical evidence and understood within the context of each woman’s broad social network, cultural beliefs, and values. In the absence of extraordinary circumstances, circumstances that, in fact, the Committee on Ethics cannot currently imagine, judicial authority should not be used to implement treatment regimens aimed at protecting the fetus, for such actions violate the pregnant woman’s autonomy.” (source)
There are alternatives to submitting yourself to drinking this glucola and subjecting your body to that sugar rush though!
When I was pregnant the first time I didn’t know that I had a choice in any part of my pregnancy care, let alone that I could decline pretty much any test, US, or procedure. After that first experience with the medical system I was left with a sense of things just not being right, so I started learning so I could speak into others' experiences around me.
I learned about the right to refuse or decline what didn’t sit well with me and the biggest thing I learned about the GD test was that I could decline and request that they run my A1C instead. This test requires you to fast overnight and have your blood drawn in the morning before eating. What it gives the doctors is a 2-3 month average of your blood sugar levels. If there were concerns after having your A1C checked, I would opt for testing blood sugars throughout the day for 2-3 weeks to eliminate the need to drink the glucola. (Source)
I’m not a doctor and have no training in or around this, however I have done my research and am comfortable providing information to women who are on their journey to pregnancy so that they will not subject themselves to unnecessary tests, US, or procedures as I did thru my first pregnancy.
*If you would like to get a broader idea about what GD testing is, why it is done, and so much more check out this article at https://mommypotamus.com/natural-alternatives-to-the-gestational-diabetes-test/
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