What is the 5-5-5 rule for postpartum?

Becoming a new parent is an exciting and joyous time, but it can also be exhausting. For mothers in particular, it’s important to prioritize recovery and rest after giving birth. One of the best ways to do this is by following the “in bed, on the bed, near bed” rule. This involves spending the first week recovering in bed, the second week resting on the bed or couch, and the third week staying nearby your bed as you gradually get back into your normal routine. Let’s examine why these three weeks are so important for postpartum recovery...

Is Gestational Diabetes Really an Issue?

Is Gestational Diabetes Really an Issue?
During the second trimester you will probably be asked to take a glucose test where they will have you drink a beverage, often referred to as Glucola, consisting of 50 grams of sugar. After drinking the beverage you are made to wait an hour and then have your blood drawn to see how your body reacted to the sugar. What they won’t tell you about this test is…… 

3 Tips on Protecting Your Mindset for Your Pregnancy & Childbirth

3 Tips on Protecting Your Mindset for Your Pregnancy & Childbirth

In our journeys to motherhood we often encounter many people that speak words of doubt, fear, and limitations over us and it is unfortunate that society has made it okay to do this. During pregnancy we have so much going on physically and emotionally and what we truly need is people who will cheer us on, speak life and strength over us, and who only share positive thoughts and energy with us. That is what I’m here for, I believe in YOU.

Here are three tips to protect your mindset while pursuing the pregnancy and childbirth you envision! 


One Way To Increase Your Fertility

One Way To Increase Your Fertility

There are many ways to support your fertility and increase your chances of conceiving and maintaining a pregnancy and it is a wonder to me why these things aren’t talked about more. We have so much power in the palm of our own hands to take ownership and make life changes that will increase our chances of having the baby/ies we dream of. 

Here is one thing that you can do today to give your body a chance to heal, balance, and eventually conceive the baby you are dreaming of for your family:....


Learning as you go…..

Learning as you go…..

How often do we jump into things before we know much about it? New jobs, married life, parenting, the list can go on to include your finances and even your legacy and how you build it. We are constantly in a state of learning it seems.

As women in this 21st century we tend to think we know more about becoming

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