Are you ready for another baby? - So you have had your first baby and you are thinking about having another one. Maybe it has been a few months or maybe it has been a few years, it is different for all of us.........If you are contemplating whether you are ready here are some things that you might be thinking …….The biggest thing to ask yourself is .......
Read more...It’s TRUE!! Western medicine is trying to change this by changing the conversations and removing words that give their patients a choice..........
Taking Charge Through Pregnancy - Being pregnant again was such a blessing and looking back it still amazes me that it was soooo easy. After trying for so long for our first and having to get fertility help, getting pregnant right away when trying again and then losing that baby…….So there I was realizing that I didn’t want to take my chances with this medical group and have someone I didn’t trust involved in my care in any way.....This time around I didn’t let the doctor dictate to me how or what I would be doing......