“Whether you think you can or you can’t, you are right.” Henry Ford
This quote is true and can be used in so many different areas of our lives. Many women question their ability to birth their babies without the assistance of some form of medication to help them “handle” what they perceive will be painful.
But why do we look outside of ourselves when asking this question?
In our journeys to motherhood we often encounter many people that speak words of doubt, fear, and limitations over us and it is unfortunate that society has made it okay to do this. During pregnancy we have so much going on physically and emotionally and what we truly need is people who will cheer us on, speak life and strength over us, and who only share positive thoughts and energy with us. That is what I’m here for, I believe in YOU.
Here are three tips to protect your mindset while pursuing the pregnancy and childbirth you envision!

Dreaming of your perfect natural birth and not having the support of those around you? This can be a very hard place to be and can only add stress to what should be a beautiful experience of growing and bonding with your baby.
So many people today have a vision of what childbirth is like and to the majority it is a scary, medical emergency that needs to be controlled and is only safe in a fully staffed hospital. If your loved ones aren’t supporting you the way that you thought they would, here are some things to keep in mind......
For the past week I have been trying to get back into the swing of things after being at my mom’s for a week and then having my dad visiting for a few days. It has seemed like I’m just exhausted and have no motivation to get things done. It doesn’t help that I have some deadlines looming and have a laundry list of things that need to get done in the next few weeks either.
As I sit writing this now I am kind of wondering if this may be connected to any limiting beliefs I may have surrounding what these next few weeks and what I’m working on are going to bring to my life. You know like that.....