Learning as you go…..

Learning as you go…..

How often do we jump into things before we know much about it? New jobs, married life, parenting, the list can go on to include your finances and even your legacy and how you build it. We are constantly in a state of learning it seems.

As women in this 21st century we tend to think we know more about becoming


Are you ready for another baby?

Are you ready for another baby?

Are you ready for another baby? - So you have had your first baby and you are thinking about having another one. Maybe it has been a few months or maybe it has been a few years, it is different for all of us.........If you are contemplating whether you are ready here are some things that you might be thinking …….The biggest thing to ask yourself is .......


You Decide, It’s Your Choice!!

You Decide, It’s Your Choice!!
You Decide, It’s Your Choice!! - Did you know that you have the ability to decline or delay any tests, ultrasounds, or checks that you don’t want during your pregnancy and childbirth experience?

It’s TRUE!! Western medicine is trying to change this by changing the conversations and removing words that give their patients a choice..........


Are they taking your power?

Are they taking your power?
Are they taking your power? - One of the things that keeps coming up in conversations that I find extremely disturbing is how our medical system is dictating our care and how they are training their labor and delivery teams on how to handle having a doula attending and assisting their patients in the birth of their baby........ 


Homebirth after C-Section - It is POSSIBLE!!!

Homebirth after C-Section - It is POSSIBLE!!!
Homebirth after C-Section - It is POSSIBLE!!! - So he agreed to having the homebirth I wanted..... I NEVER doubted myself, my body, or my baby in being able to do this thing!!!!!.....GOD gave me a Supernatural Belief in what HE had created my body to do......I missed my OB appt for my 39 week check up.....Back Labor is hard!!!......I wish I knew some of the things that I know now to deal with that.....

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