If you are pregnant today you are probably aware that you have many different options from who you choose as a care provider to who you have with you on the big day. How you put that team together is completely up to you and the support you believe you will need.
You could be like me and like the idea of a midwife being on hand and then in the moment it doesn’t really matter because we know what is coming, okay our babies didn’t give us the option to wait, but you know. LOL......
I have always wanted to be a mom and God has blessed me with 4 children on earth and 2 in heaven. I have also wanted to homeschool and have since my oldest was born. I have a huge vision of what kind of mom I want to be and how close I want our family to be by the way we raise them.....
Yet here I sit tonight writing this at the end of what feels like the longest day EVER!
Being a mom is hard work and when you add all the other elements of keeping a house, feeding and caring for everyone, and homeschool to the mix it can be overwhelming.......