Can I Have a Homebirth?

Can I Have a Homebirth?

In today’s medical world women are not getting the care they deserve or desire and many are turning to homebirths with midwives to get what they are looking for. I was one of those women and I have now had three children at home surrounded by my family.

If you have been thinking about having a homebirth and are wondering if it is something that you can do, I want to encourage you to seek out as much information as you can before deciding that you can’t. See a lot of times our mind will tell us that something is too hard or too scary and that stops us from moving forward towards our desires. 

First of all if it is a desire in your heart now that has never been there before, that is a God nudge. He created you in His image and when He created woman He gave her the amazing ability to grow and birth new life! He also places the desires on your heart so know that it comes from Him and that His blessing is over you should you choose to have a homebirth. 

You were made to do this one thing without fear or doubt!!!

Birth is meant to be a beautiful experience filled with so much love, peace, and joy, but in today’s crazy world many women are not having this experience. We have been sold the idea that childbirth is and should be painful but that is not true. Women all over the world are having natural births, at home, in the peace and comfort of their own surroundings and without pain.

We hear so many more trauma stories than we do beautiful birth experiences and so our mind tells us that it is scary, painful, and traumatic. This makes us tense and that just leads to pain. When we learn to relax and listen to our bodies and leave them to do what they were created to do on their own our birth experiences are so different.

Having a midwife is like having your mom take care of you when you are sick. Midwives love what they do and getting to attend these great moments in other’s lives is such an amazing blessing for them. Their care of you through your pregnancy and childbirth will be a relationship from start to finish, they will discuss with you what tests are normally done and give you the option of declining any that you don’t feel you need. They don’t push you to do anything you don’t want to and generally they don’t do anything to induce labor until around the 42 week mark. (These statements may not be true for all midwives so be sure to interview several to find the right one for you and your family.)

To find a midwife that aligns with you and that you feel comfortable with schedule interviews with  several and meet them in person to get a real feel for them. Have your husband meet them too. 

Want to have a doula? Interview them too. 

Make sure you look into the rules in your state for midwives, home births, and to learn how the registration is handled for homebirth babies as you are gaining knowledge so that nothing catches you off guard later on.

You can have a homebirth when you believe in yourself, your baby, and your body. You have to be willing to guard your plans and only share them with those that will truly support you. When any negative opinions/thoughts are spoken to/over you it is important to not accept them and to immediately dismiss them so that they do not take root in your mind.

One of my coaches recently said, "Our minds are powerful and have the power to control and create our reality." Be careful where you focus your thoughts around your pregnancy and childbirth.

You’ve got this and remember YOU WERE BORN FOR THIS!

Oh by the way if you are on your journey through fertility, pregnancy and/or childbirth come join my community here on Facebook where I share what I have learned, resources, and support you on your journey. Whether it's your first or your 5th we would love to have you!

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