Your placenta is an extraordinary anomaly in life and is a vital organ unique to you and your baby? It is the only “disposable” organ, growing for each individual pregnancy. Did you know that the placenta is the only organ that can have two different blood types too? Isn’t that cool? Anyways why am I even talking to you about your placenta?
Women deserve to know all of their options. Placentas are unique organs that play a vital role in pregnancy, and yet so many women don't even know that they have a say in what happens to their placenta after birth. I believe that every woman has the right to informed consent, and part of that is understanding all of the options available to them. Whether you choose to keep your placenta, bury it, or donate it for research, you deserve to make that decision for yourself. Placentas are incredible organs, and we should be empowered to make choices about them.
Why keep your placenta? Well, your hormones take a nose dive as soon as your body realizes that your baby was born. Keeping your placenta and consuming it in some form can be your saving grace from that nose dive, helping your hormones balance out more evenly over the first few months of postpartum, among many other benefits.
Placenta encapsulation is a process whereby the placenta is dried and then ground into a powder, which is then encapsulated in gel capsules. Placenta encapsulation is said to have a number of benefits, including increased energy levels, improved milk production, reduced postpartum bleeding, and enhanced mood. Placenta encapsulation is also thought to help the mother recover from childbirth more quickly and reduce the risk of postpartum depression.
Many women who have consumed their placenta in some form report feeling more energetic and empowered during the postpartum period. If you are considering placenta encapsulation, connect with a Certified Placenta Preparer to learn how they can serve you.
As a Placenta Preparer, I only offer raw encapsulation because I feel that the benefits lie in the raw, natural organ and that steaming it reduces those benefits, much like cooking vegetables can reduce some of their great benefits.
To have your placenta encapsulated you will want to have chosen a preparer to work with prior to having your baby, this person does not have to be local to you. Once your preparer has the placenta they may make keepsake options and review your placenta before starting the encapsulation process.
Generally, this process is completed within 48-72 hours of receiving your placenta and they are delivered to you promptly with an explanation on how to take them for maximum benefit. Having your placenta encapsulated makes taking them handier if you are not one to drink smoothies, don’t want to consume your placenta raw, or just simply need to have them next to you to remember to take them.
Want to know more about what your options are for using your placenta? Check out this video where I shared 4 Options For Using Your Placenta.