Is Gestational Diabetes Really an Issue?

Is Gestational Diabetes Really an Issue?
During the second trimester you will probably be asked to take a glucose test where they will have you drink a beverage, often referred to as Glucola, consisting of 50 grams of sugar. After drinking the beverage you are made to wait an hour and then have your blood drawn to see how your body reacted to the sugar. What they won’t tell you about this test is…… 

Why Does Labor Keep Starting and Stopping?

Why Does Labor Keep Starting and Stopping?

If you have ever experienced prodromal labor you probably understand exactly where this question came from. When you are nearing the end of your pregnancy and things start to happen, you get excited and think okay I’m having a baby today. And then it stops, you go all day or night with no signs of what you thought was the beginning stages of labor. Then it’s back and you are again excited and ready for things to progress only to have it stop AGAIN!

You might be thinking, "What is the meaning of this, it’s torture and I just want to have my baby?!?" 


Should I Circumcise My Son?

Should I Circumcise My Son?

So many think this is a controversial topic and if you bring it up in the wrong place you better be prepared for the onslaught of verbal attacks. It is unfortunate that, as a society, we are not able to hear someone’s question with compassion and answer with empathy. Most of us have been in that place of having to make a decision that we knew little about at some point and we should understand what they are working through. 

For me it was when I was pregnant with my first..........


My Water Broke, What Now?

My Water Broke, What Now?

If you're pregnant, one of the most exciting moments is when your water breaks. Depending on what happens next, you may need to go to the hospital or call your birth team. If it's not time for delivery yet, don't worry - there are a few things you can do to keep yourself comfortable until your baby arrives. Here are a few tips on what to do if your water breaks.


OBGYN vs Midwife

OBGYN vs Midwife

There are some pretty significant differences between an OBGYN, your standard pregnancy care provider, and a midwife, meaning “with woman”. What is the standard of care that you want through your pregnancy and childbirth journey? What do you want your experience to be like?

We have all been to the doctor’s office at some point in our lives and I’m sure that this first difference I share will make perfect sense to pretty much anyone. So let’s get started…….

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