Amanda Ignot The Empowered Birthing Mama


3 Questions to Ask Your Care Provider

If you are a mom who has delivered a child by c-section, planned or unplanned, you are probably familiar with the saying “Once a c-section, always a c-section”. This is completely NOT true!

Unfortunately the way our care providers are trained today is to be in complete control over pregnancy and childbirth, more so if you have had a previous c-section or complications in previous pregnancies. In 2019 the c-section rate was at 31.7% but if you look at the rates for your specific hospital you could see rates as high as 60% or higher.

And…….if you are looking to have more children, and want to birth naturally, you will find that very few doctors will support you on that journey. When I was pregnant with our second child I changed care providers 3 times trying to find an OB that would be supportive of me having a natural birth. IT WAS HARD and I still didn’t find someone I trusted. 

If you want to truly know if your doctor is VBAC supportive, not VBAC friendly or VBAC tolerant, you need to know what questions to ask and what to look for. That's why I created this for you!